SWISS MEDBANK is a Swiss company located in the heart of the Health Valley, between Geneva and Lausanne. Since 2012, SWISS MEDBANK constantly develops and markets technologies and services for the safety of each individual.

Deutsche Bank Switzerland - All Swiss Private Banks in 1 Deutsche Bank is a leading European bank with a global reach with values that the bank expects of all their employees to apply every day. These values are integrity, client-centricity, sustainable performance, discipline, innovation, and partnership. Best Private Bank List | Swiss Private Bank Directory According to the official Swiss private bank list of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (, FINMA) there are 296 authorized banks and securities dealers in Switzerland (June 2018). This official list is of little help to a foreign client looking for the best private bank in Switzerland for a bank account opening.All types of banks and securities dealers in Switzerland

Swiss National Day Switzerland's National Day falls on August 1. Assumption of Mary The Christian feast of the Assumption of Mary is on or around Aug 15 in most countries. A few celebrate Assumption Day at other times of the year. Knabenschiessen Knabenschiessen is a traditional shooting competition in Zurich, Switzerland.

Aug 10, 2007

World Jewish Congress lawsuit against Swiss banks - Wikipedia

Can US Citizens Open A Bank Account In Switzerland?